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CSTO drills in Kyrgyzstan engage Supercam, Inokhodets drones

MOSCOW, September 11. /TASS/. The exercises of rapid reaction forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) engaged Russian Supercam S350 and upgraded Supercam S350M scout drones, Inokhodets strike drones and silent 2B25 mortars, the CSTO said.
“The Interaction-2024 command-staff exercise in Kyrgyzstan used prospective arms and hardware, in particular, Russian-made Supercam S350 scout drones and the upgraded Supercam S350M option, reconnaissance-strike Inokhodets long endurance complex,” it said.
The exercise also engaged 2B25 silent mortars, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, handheld non-lethal grenades, and Berkut-2 parachutes.
According to the exercise legend, the conditional adversary seized border areas and settlements and the CSTO immediately sent its rapid reaction forces there. “The main task of the rapid reaction force is to hold a joint operation and quickly settle the armed conflict in Central Asia,” the CSTO said.
The exercise engaged Russian Orion drones and Kazakh Su-30SM jets to strike at advancing hostile forces. Kyrgyz, Belarussian, Kazakh and Tajik forces trained blocking and destroying the adversary at approaches to residential settlements with the support of Kazakh Mi-17 and Kirgiz Mi-8 helicopters.
“The landing of a tactical airborne assault comprising commando units from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan helped the rapid reaction forces to seize favorable positions and prevent the seizure of settlements by militants. Paratroopers were supported by artillery batteries of D-30 and Msta-B guns from Kyrgyzstan,” it said.
“The joint operation demonstrated cohesive actions of all components of the rapid reaction force of the CSTO,” it said.
